
Monday, August 23, 2010

Microwave Mondays!

Microwaves hit the scene when I was a teenager. I remember getting our huge radiation-emitting machine positioned on our goldenrod kitchen counter. (I also remember our first color television... but let's not go there!)

One formative experience in my childhood was being involved with 4-H. Though I always wanted to show a pig,* I was a regular ribbon winner in Sewing, Foods, Home Economics, etc. I annually competed in the Creative Cooks Day. Participants developed a menu and set a place setting. I rocked!

Yet, I will never forget the year of the Microwave!

Every year, 4-Hers could present a demonstration at the County Fair. I loved being in front of people, so I was eager to participate. My demonstration that year..... Microwave Coffee Cake. I still remember the bundt pan I used. It was nothing compared to Demarle, but back then it was all I could find.

My picture was even in the paper. (If I dig it up- I will scan it in for your enjoyment!)

So- this week, I plan to resurrect that Microwave Coffee Cake recipe and make it in my Demarle Bundt Pan. Stay tuned for the recipe and pics, of course!

Did you know that your Demarle pans work great in the microwave?

Every Monday, here at Carols' Cooking with Demarle, will be dedicated to Microwave cooking. I have recruited the help of a college student. Since the microwave is her only cooking appliance, she plans to put Demarle in the Microwave to the test!

As always, send me your questions and ideas!
Carol :)

*PS- Though I never did get a pig, I did win a cool prize in the pig-chasing contest.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Carol! I always wanted a pig too . . . "wanted" being the key word there! Now you've almost made me want a microwave. Keep the recipes coming and I may just have to go hit-up Wal-mart for my own "radiation-emitting machine."
